
We are Ad-Wise



Affiliate marketing allows you to pay only for that particular part of your marketing mix that leads to further interest or direct sales for your customers. Through affiliate marketing you no longer waste marketing resources on platforms that never convert into a sale.

By using affiliate marketing, your business is enhanced through promotion on other people’s or companies’ websites or media buying activities. Your product will reach a larger audience than if you had to do the marketing on your own and you will have far more interested visitors on your website than you would be able to generate yourself. Furthermore, you only pay for actual results whether that is in the form of leads, volume of goods sold, visitors on your website, impressions, sign-ups for newsletters, etc. You design your own solution and the price is directly proportional to the outcome/result.

Affiliate Marketing makes sure you won’t get unexpected costs – in other words, you don’t commit to a marketing plan on which you pay for reach with no certainty on retention or revenue generation, but complete certainty of receiving a hefty invoice. Investing in affiliate marketing allows your product to be promoted on different online media platforms with great reach instantly. Your affiliates guarantee the best placement and coverage for your ad, redirecting customers to your website, and thereby ensuring a lead or sale. Affiliate marketing results in a win-win situation for your business and your affiliates, since it implies no risks or unexpected costs.

You know your product, we know a lot about affiliate marketing. Together we create a strategy for your affiliate marketing campaigns to leadyour business in the right direction.You know your product, we know a lot about affiliate marketing. Together we create a strategy for your affiliate marketing campaigns to leadyour business in the right direction.

Throughout the past years, e-mail marketing has grown exponentially. In light of the rapid growth and effectiveness of a well thought-out e-mail marketing strategy, we encourage companies to include emailing to their marketing mix since it has the potential to be a flexible and strong tool in every company’s marketing plan. With e-mail marketing you can set up different funnels for your customer-journey and target your customers based on their behaviour or certain actions they take in a very cost-efficient way.

Cost per lead (CPL), is a specialised form of affiliate marketing through which visitors provide sufficient personal information on the advertisers’ website allowing it to qualify as a sale. Beside CPL campaigns advertisers can also run co-registration (co-reg) campaigns. According to the marketing law, you need permission to contact people on e-mail, which is why co-registration is relevant for you. When people sign up for a newsletter about a specific product, you can offer them the opportunity to subscribe to your newsletter as well.With co-regs you are able to target potential customers much more effectively than if you are buying co-sponsor (co-spons) leads that are more broad in their targeting. The type of lead that would suit your businessdepends on your product and we are able to advise you on that matter.

E-mail marketing has many benefits. Firstly, it is an extremely fast and reliable communication channel that is actively used by most of the population. As soon as an effective e-mail campaign is introduced, traffic on your website is guaranteed. Second, e-mail marketing is per definition a cost efficient marketing method as you avoid the costs of print and stamps to send out your material. Lastly, you get in touch with a large number of potential customers, motivated to engage with your message by signing up to your newsletter.

We can help you build your own e-mail database, user-journey, and loyalty program for you to easily and effectively communicate with your subscribers. Measured by the ROI, e-mail marketing is a very effective communication channel to address a wide and receptive target audience.

A push notification is a clickable message that pops up on a desktop browser or mobile device. Subscribers can be anywhere on the browser and still receive these messages as long as they are online or have their browsers running on their devices. Browser push notifications are different from in-app notifications because in-app notifications appear only when triggered by an existing application on your mobile device, while browser push notifications can be triggered through browsers on any device as long as the user subscribes to receive your notifications.

Marketers are still discovering all the applicable uses for push notifications, but they can do a lot of valuable things for their users. For example, they can show the latest sports scores, get a user to make an action like downloading a coupon, or let a user know about an event like a flash sale.

Push notifications are an instant method of automated, direct communication between a website/app and its end users. The digital marketing channel of push notifications is newer than most existing channels, but it’s an ad format in rapid development and where the traffic inventory is growing fast every day.

Strategies and tactics need to be measured and tested frequently. Maximising opt-in rates, ensuring new users are properly onboarded, and reducing user churn rates are all key strategies likely to increase your success with push notifications and we can help with that.

With 2.45 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2019, Facebook is the biggest social network worldwide. In the third quarter of 2012, the number of active Facebook users surpassed one billion, making it the first social network to ever do so. Active users are those which have logged into Facebook during the past 30 days. During the last reported quarter, the company stated that 2.8 billion people were using at least one of the company’s core products (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or Messenger) each month. Including Facebook in your marketing plan is one of the most profitable way to invest money on online advertisement.

Do you get frustrated when visitors look through your website, but never make an actual purchase? With our Facebook Retargeting experience we can help you bring customers back to your website through exposure to Facebook ads about previously viewed products. As your visitors previously have shown interest in these products, the effect of the ad will be higher and the results will reflect this. Your rate of conversion will increase, you will have more interested visitors, more customers will return to your website, a higher percentage will complete their purchase.Do you get frustrated when visitors look through your website, but never make an actual purchase? With our Facebook Retargeting experience we can help you bring customers back to your website through exposure to Facebook ads about previously viewed products. As your visitors previously have shown interest in these products, the effect of the ad will be higher and the results will reflect this. Your rate of conversion will increase, you will have more interested visitors, more customers will return to your website, a higher percentage will complete their purchase.

One of the biggest advantages of Facebook is the opportunity to do detailed segmentation. Naturally, you can segment by gender, age, geography, and education, but you can also segment on hobbies and interests. At the same time, you can always measure whether you manage to contact the desired audience best suited for your company.One of the biggest advantages of Facebook is the opportunity to do detailed segmentation. Naturally, you can segment by gender, age, geography, and education, but you can also segment on hobbies and interests. At the same time, you can always measure whether you manage to contact the desired audience best suited for your company.

Doing your own advertisement can get you far, but if you want to take advantage of the full potential of your own efforts, we can help you target your campaign and do the continuous supervision in order to adapt the message to maximise CTR (Click Through Rate). We handle the purchase of Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Thousand (CPM) budgets for your campaign and we are able to effectively communicate your message locally, regionally, or globally.

Retaining existing customers is easier and cheaper than attracting new ones for each sale. The quality of your leads can be a decisive factor for the acquisition and retention of customers. If the leads you collect are in line with the product you’ll be advertising or selling to your costumers, you will exponentially increase your chances of obtaining sales, attracting new costumers, and retaining loyal customers.

We can help you generate leads for your own e-mail database or loyalty program providing you with an index of existing and potential customers who have shown interest in your products. Obviously, we abide by the GDPR to assure that your customers know exactly what they agree to when they subscribe.

In addition to email marketing data, we are also capable of provide you with telemarketing (TM) leads. In this case, the user gives his consent for you to call with information about your products and services. We can help you generate TM leads, which you own and control yourself. TM leads originate from different sources where the users answer personal questions, such as surveys or competitions.

To get more qualified leads you can give users the option to answer a number of qualifying questions, through which we can help you generate high-quality leads to use for book clubs, magazines, loans, and other industries of the sort. In combination with these questions, we are able to draw a detailed profile of the user providing you with qualified leads segmented on gender, age, geography, interests, etc. This means that you only allocate resources to contact those potential costumers who are likely to result in a sale.

Are you experienced in the field of affiliate network, push notifications, lead generation, mobile traffic, or e-mail marketing? Then it is time for you to take the next step in developing your business.

Once you have build up a solid database, push subscribers, or loyalty program you have access to traffic which can be converted into revenue. In fact, the traffic is your company’s most important asset and we can help you maximise it.

We offer highly profitable list management strategies based on the generated data or push notification subscribers you have. We simply need to know your business and your product in order to target the list to your specific needs. In other words, we offer you a tailored solution that will boost your sales significantly.

We do the heavy lifting. Looking for campaigns, testing them, and identifying the highest-ROI sequences can be cumbersome and time consuming if you don’t have the right know-how and experience. Let us help you monetise and optimise your data. You have no costs or risks by starting up this activity with us since we do the effort of managing everything and you get a link to a live-reporting platform to follow everything. The model in this case is a profit share agreement which we come to together.

A creative design is a design that fulfils the objective it was created for – to convey a brand image, retain and engage costumers, and provide them with valuable products. Before your brand or website can have a strong presence in the digital world, it is important that you focus on retaining your visitors and giving them a great digital experience – something out of the ordinary. We design websites, landingpages, webshops, and platforms tailored to your end users expectations and based on your company’s DNA. We want to create the digital customer experiences of the future.A creative design is a design that fulfils the objective it was created for – to convey a brand image, retain and engage costumers, and provide them with valuable products. Before your brand or website can have a strong presence in the digital world, it is important that you focus on retaining your visitors and giving them a great digital experience – something out of the ordinary. We design websites, landingpages, webshops, and platforms tailored to your end users expectations and based on your company’s DNA. We want to create the digital customer experiences of the future.

A very important and often times undervalued element within creative design is landing page optimisation. This is the process of improving elements on a website to increase conversions. Landing page optimisation is a subset of conversion rate optimisation and involves using strategies such as A/B testing to improve the conversion goals of a given landing page. Optimisations can range from small tweaks like changing a button color from red to green or to more detailed changes like the image-to-text ratio.

Websites and landing pages are key components of all online marketing campaigns. A landing page is a specially designed page whose main goal is to trigger the generation of sales or to capture new leads. Landing pages are often the main destination of paid online marketing campaigns and a lot of testing, resources, and money are spent driving traffic to these. Since landing pages are focused on conversions, improving their performance can lead to significant increases in your conversion rates and, by consequence, in your overall CPA.

Optimising a website ensures that you achieve the highest possible conversion rate from the visitors who visit it. In short, landing page optimisation can help you lower your customer acquisitions costs, acquire more customers, and maximise the value of your ad spend.

Optimisation of campaign funnels is always challenging in online marketing. Monitoring campaigns and adapting them to everchanging environments is time-consuming and quite often full of pitfalls when doing it on a daily and manual basis. There are many variables that have significant impact on your overall ROI. Some factors to consider are: what time of the day a visitor arrives, from which country, device, and traffic source the visitor comes from.

This is where our advanced technology and AI components come into play. Our optimisation features automatically adjusts weights of paths, landers, and offers in the campaign funnel every minute. The weight value is used to determine traffic distribution going toward specific KPI’s and goals. By periodically adjusting weights of traffic sources, landing pages, and offer elements our automated optimisation technology adjusts the flow of traffic to the most optimal one.





Are you looking for increased sale, more leads or traffic? Would it be nice to work with a no-cure, no pay model, where you, as an advertiser, only pay for what you get? With more than 10 years of experience we have established a substantial knowledge in our current markets, helping a growing customer base achieving their goals. Our services and continuously evolving products has together with our partners empowered us to help companies driving the desired quality traffic, in order to achieve their objectives. We believe that every successful campaign is created with a fresh and ongoing mind. This can be seen in all of our products and services, where we prefer new ideas and always consider the different approaches while adapting to new technologies. In order to ensure our clients the best results we always work on a performance base. “No cure – no pay”.


Online campaign and funnel optimisation from A-Z in various geo’s via different traffic sources. We help you reach, acquire, engage and retain new customers. We create an efficient sales funnel by our easy step-by-step process.


We help our clients increase their revenue and sales while decreasing their CPA. We create your leads while you concentrate on converting them. We work with a performance based model, helping you to keep your ROI goals on track.


We love the internet and its ever changing methods and constant growth. This means, what worked yesterday perhaps not works tomorrow and that’s why we believe every successful campaign should be created with a fresh and ongoing mind.